Monday, October 31, 2011

Jack's Happy Halloween!

While Jack is far too young for goblins and sugary treats, we still celebrated Halloween with skeletons, jack-o-lanterns and a costume! (Even if he only wore it long enough for me to take a few pics!) I managed to channel my inner-Martha Stewart and create a jack-o-lantern of Jack's favorite cartoon character, Moose A. Moose. I also managed to capature a moment of belly laughs and just had to post it. I promise, his laugh can turn anyone's frown upside down!

Happy Halloween Morning!
Mommy's Martha Moment
Yoda says, "Halloween, love...I"

And finally, Jack's belly laughs...courtesy of Grandpapa and Willy....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jammin' Jack

Jack has a new....hmmm....gesture? dance? impression? Not sure what one would call it but just this morning he has started some sort of head dancing when he hears music. He seems to really embrace the groove of it all. He has been doing it all day and doesn't seem to have any intentions of stopping. This video doesn't capture it as well as I would have liked but it will do for now. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Busy Day

October 21, 2011 was an extremely busy day for the Street family. As is our nature, we tend to go "all in" when it comes to making life decisions. While most people take a moment to "sleep on it" or perhaps take a Xanax and have a glass of wine and ponder, we just say what the hell...let's go all in. That being said, that morning we put a contract on a lovely single family home in need of some renovations and updating but would be the pefect place to call our home.

Long story short....our contract was accepted and if all goes well, on November 29, 2011 this lovely 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath colonial will be ours. Already we have dreams of tearing down walls, replacing floors, painting walls, landscaping schemes, etc. I should probably mention that Brian and I's only forray into home improvement is WATCHING HGTV and DIY Network and as far as doing well....thank goodness there is YouTube! I should also mention that while I am all about doing....there isn't much I will be able to do because...

Later that same afternoon we went to the doctor to confirm what my super-sonic sense of smell already knew...I was indeed almost 9 weeks pregnant! I had always said if we were going to have two, I was going to have 2 before 2. Besides, I really want to finish the baby making before I hit forty and that is coming around the corner faster than the weight I am sure to pack on. (Although, I swear I am not going to gain as much weight as I did with Jack!) Due date of May 27, 2012!